All animals have to eat in order to grow and to move around. Animals have some sort
of mouth where food enters. The mouth leads to some sort of digestive track
where food is turned into energy to grow or move, and the waste is eliminated.
CARNIVORES: Animals that eat other animals are called Carnivores. They convert the sugars, starches and proteins from the animals they eat into energy to grow and move.
Animals that eat only leaves, seeds, nectar, branches, and other parts of plants
are called Herbivores.They convert the sugars and starches that the plant made
from sunlight, into energy so the animal can grow and move.
OMNIVORES: Some animals are not fussy, and will eat both plants and animals depending on what is available. Such animals are called Omnivores.
PARASITES: And some animals attach themselves to another animal and feed off the blood or the food eaten by their host. These animals are called Parasites. Parasites often make their host sick or kill them.
Print out this whole lesson (6 pages). Cut out each of the animal pictures.
Pass out pictures of animals to the students in the class. Each student researches one (or two) animals to find out what the animal eats. Students write down what their animal eats.
On a large piece of paper or posterboard (or a bulletin board or class board), draw four columns. At the top, label the columns: Carnivore, Herbivore, Omnivore and Parasite:
Carnivore | Herbivore | Omnivore | Parasite |
Have each student show the class each animal they researched and announce what each animal eats. Then the student attaches the animal pictures in the correct column.
![]() Camel |
![]() Kangaroo |
Page Created November 2, 2009. Anne Pemberton. Updated Thu, July 13, 2011 . AP.