Mrs P's Science Links


Challenger Learning Center: E Missions Logo

Virtual Science Field Trips
Starchild Logo

Learning Center for Young Astronauts
K-12 Science Education Jefferson Lab Logo
Jefferson Lab
Colliding Black Holes
Link to Coloring

Animals and Plants
Fish eat fish

Predator and Prey


What's on the Menu?
Carnivore, Herbivore, Omnivore

Girls nodding
Colors of Humans
Colors of the Rainbow Light Color Spectrum ElementsCharts of Properties


Kindergarden Science Table - - - Qualities of Things

Set aside a table in the classroom for science.
Put everyday items with opposite qualities on the table for the week.
At science time, students go to the table and
.... 1) identify each item and
.... 2) describe its use.
.... 3) identify the qualities the item.
.... 4) sort items by qualities.


Large / Small
Rough or Smooth
Hot / Cold
Heavy / Light
Long or Tall
Living or Not
Print and Play
Plants & Animals

Life Cycles

Student will investigate and understand basic needs and life processes of Plants/Animals.
Key concepts include
--- living things change as they grow
--- living things need food, water, and air to survive;
--- plants and animals live and die (go through a life cycle); and
--- offspring of plants and animals are similar but not identical to parents and to siblings.


The Lion King Movie Plant Zinnias in classroom window in individual cups. Set Up Terrarium in large glass jar. Make Frog Jumper Colors of Humans - Compile data and print out graphs Sim Park - Create park with student choices, and have students explain outcomes.
Life Cycle Lessons 1-5 with Webquest Utah Utah Education Net Themepark
Life Cycles and more
Enchanted Learning Enchanted Learning
Life Cycle Printouts
Monarch Butterfly Butterfly Web Cams
Metamorphosis of the Monarch Butterfly
A Butterfly in Transition
Four Stages of Butterfly Metamorphosis
Bee Honeybee Metamorphosis Fly
Metamorphosis of Flies

Life Cycle of a House Fly
The Mealworm

Grow your own beetles

Ladybug A Class Raises Ladybugs Life Cycle of a Ladybug
Frog catching Fly Frogwatch
Tadpole to Frog
Life Cycle of a Frog
Crayola: Tadpole to Frog Lesson
Jumping Frog
print and play


Google Earth Engine
Timelapse Satellite Views
The Weather Channel
The Weather Dude
Link to Temperature Spreadsheet
Temperature Spreadsheet

Logo to Weather Data Workbook
Weather Spreadsheet
Make Paper Snowflakes Snow Rollers
a unique weather phenomena
Thunderstorms and Volcanos

Mrs. P's Physics Links

Paper Airplanes
Fun Paper Airplanes

Print, Fold, Trim and Fly
2D Physics Phunbox Toilet Bowl Science< Colliding Black Holes
World Clock

Rock Formation
In Turkey
Roller Coaster Physics Physics Games.Net


Light .... Wind

Generate electricity using kites on the wind.
Energy Kite Systems
Tap into upper atmosphere wind
Link to Rainbow
Make an Online Kaleidoscope Warning-Seizure Potential
Link to EM Spectrum
Light Spectrum

Light and Color
Alternative Energy Sources Make a Color Spinner


Matter is Stuff Matter Lab Activity States of Matter
Solid - Liquid - Gas
States of MatterSolid Liquid Gas
Solids Liquids Gases
Change of State
Physical - Chemical
Evaporation Plasmas
BE Condensates
Mixture Basics More Mixtures Mixtures Around You
Solutions Make Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream Element Flash Cards
With Game Directions
Compounds and Molecules


Elements Chart Shepherd Software:
Shephard Software Elements Games
Chem 4 Kids Elements Lesson
Atoms Lesson
The Atoms Family
Jefferson Lab:
Jefferson Lab Element Flash Cards
It's Elemrntal
Element Balancing Game
Periodic Videos Jefferson Lab:
Jefferson Lab Virtual Tour of Jefferson Lab
Atoms Tour
Looking for the Top Quark
Quarks Coloring Book
Print Periodic Table

Earth Science

National Geographic for Kids World-O-Meter E-Missions
Virtual Science Field Trips
The Dynamic Earth
Earth Plate Tectonics
When the compass points South! Pamukkale
Rock Formation in Turkey
The Demise of Easter Island Lesson of the Ancient Nazcas: Deforestation in western Peru The Solstices

Space Links

Sunsets on Habitable Worlds
Sunset of the Habitable Worlds
PHL Logo
Planet Habitability Laboratory
A Trip To The Moon

View Earth from Space

Night lights on Earth from Space
Nine Planets
Nine Planets Virtual Tour
The Universe

Virtual Science Field Trips

Nasa Sites

Link to Starchild
Nasa: Starchild


Hands On Universe

middle/high students

Nasa: Imagine

High School+

Exciting Space Clips on Youtube

Experiencing the Universe !
Link to moon landing
Apollo 11 Moon Landing

The Hubble Deep Field

Astroids Slam Into the Sun

The Song of the Sun
Summer and Winter Solstices

News on Outer Space

Martian Sheen
News Article


Jupitor Changing
News May 2010

MEASUREMENT is a Scientific Process

Live Science
News !!!

Link to Measurement

Matter can be visible or not, but it can always be measured. Matter has mass and volume.

Mass means something has weight.
Matter can be weighed.
Some matter is heavy. Some matter is light.
All matter weighs something.
All matter has mass.

Volume means something takes up space.
Matter takes up space.
Some matter is so small that we cannot see it. It must be measured under a microscope.
Volume is calculated from measurements or the piece of matter.
Liquid or gas volume is measured by its container.
All matter has volume.

A Different Way of Measuring Matter

Make Your Own Measuring Rods

"Cuisionaire Rods" sets for a classroom are costly. But, with precision measurement and an easily handled electric cutting tool, they can be made from dowel sticks in sufficient quantities for all children to have enough sets to use in the classroom, and perhaps another set to use at home. A 1/2" dowel will be sufficient, but a larger diameter dowel may be better for small hands. The larger dowels will require more storage space.
The success of these measuring rods depends on the precise measurement so that four white rods are the exact same length as one green rod, a yellow and a white road exactly equal a green rod, two red rods exactly equal a green rod, two white rods exactly equal a red rod, a red rod and two white rods equal a green rod, a red rod and a white rod equal a yellow rod. and a red rod and a white rod exactly equal a yellow rod.
The green rods should be 8" long. After cutting the 8" rods, sand as needed. Check for precise length The yellow rods should be 6" long. After cutting the 6" rods, sand as needed. Check for precise length The red rods should be 4" long. After cutting the 4" rods, sand as needed. Check for precise length. The white rods should be 2" long. After cutting the 2" rods, sand as needed. Check for precise length
Sort rods by size, and apply paint. A spray acrylic may be the best choice. After painting check length again for precision. Sand as needed.
Allow all rods to dry thoroughly and combine them into sets, one set for each student in the class. Put each set in a sturdy box.
Print these color-coded measuring sticks on white cardstock. Cut them out on the black lines, and measure to be sure they are equivalent sizes when cut. Laminate as desired. Print enough sets so that each student will have enough measuring sticks to complete desired activities. Measuring stick sets can be stored in envelopes between use.

Green Stick 800 pixels

Green Stick 800 pixels

Green Stick 800 pixels

Green Stick 800 pixels

Yellow Stick 600 Pixels .. White Stick 200 pixels

Yellow Stick 600 Pixels .. White Stick 200 pixels

Yellow Stick 600 Pixels .. White Stick 200 pixels

Yellow Stick 600 Pixels .. White Stick 200 pixels

red stick 400 pixels .. red stick 400 pixels

red stick 400 pixels .. red stick 400 pixels

red stick 400 pixels .. red stick 400 pixels

red stick 400 pixels .. red stick 400 pixels

white stick 200 pixels .. white stick 200 pixels .. white stick 200 pixels .. white stick 200 pixels

white stick 200 pixels .. white stick 200 pixels .. white stick 200 pixels .. white stick 200 pixels

white stick 200 pixels .. white stick 200 pixels .. white stick 200 pixels .. white stick 200 pixels

white stick 200 pixels .. white stick 200 pixels .. white stick 200 pixels .. white stick 200 pixels

Mrs. P's Biology Links

Biology is the branch of science which studies living things.

Biology is the study of plants, animals, and human beings, and the environments in which living beings live.

Biology is the scientific study of life.

Biology examines the structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, and distribution of living things. It classifies and describes organisms, their functions, how species come into existence, and the interactions they have with each other and with the natural environment.
Link to Color Pages
Biology Coloring Pages
Biology 4 Kids Wikipedia: Biology
A Flower Plant-Animal Sort Game Link to Families Animal Families Link to Taxonomy
Introduction to Taxonomy
Have You Ever Seen a Panda Bear Grow? Animal Bytes: The Giant Panda


Classification of Plants and Animals

Plant Kingdom ........ Animal Kingdom






Go to Cell site Cells Go to Mitosis Chapter
Meiosis Lesson Meiosis Link to Cell tutorials
Plant and Animal Cell Tutorials
Rock with red sheen Martian Sheen - Life on Mars?

Plant Pages

The Tree of Life

Link to Spring Garden Flowers Spring Garden Flowers Link to Winter Garden Flowers Winter Garden Flowers

Make a Garden
Farmer on Tractor Virtual Farm Cabbage Cotton
Link to Winter Blooms Winter Blooms Link to Spring Blooms Spring Blooms HaPPy FRESH Garden
Video by YooNok Kim


Link to Spiders Under the Spell of Spiders!
Revered and Reviled - Herps
Magic of Sydney Harbor
Eastern Bluebird Eastern Bluebird Link to Tiger site All For Tigers Bears of Yellowstone Audubon's Birds
The Whole Frog Project Link to the Reptilian Brain The Reptilian Brain Link to Horses We Love Rachel's Horses      Oxbow
Welk Shell Whelk Link to Owl Powerpoint Magnificant Owls Link to Baby Reptiles in Australia Baby Reptiles in Australia
Extreme Sheep
Herding sheep with lights

Mrs P's Animal Links


The Animal Kingdom


Animals have several characteristics that set them apart from other living things. Animals have complex cells and lack rigid cell walls, and they are made of many cells. They are eat other organisms. All animals can move on their own.


Animals usually have bodies made up of separate tissues. These include muscles and nerves. Usually there is an stomach with one or two openings. All animals have cells that can be calcified to form bones or shells. Animals also have different types of junctions between cells.

Reproduction and Development

Nearly all animals undergo some form of mating to create babies. They have a few specialized reproductive cells which develop into new individuals. Many animals are also lay fertile eggs that do not require mating.

Food and Energy Sources

All animals feed directly or indirectly on other living things. They are often further subdivided into groups such as carnivores, herbivores, omnivores, and parasites.

Predation is a biological interaction where a predator (a hunter) feeds on its prey (the animal that is attacked). Predators may or may not kill their prey prior to feeding on them, but the act of predation always results in the death of the prey.

Most animals feed indirectly from the energy of sunlight. When animals eat plants or eat other animals which have eaten plants the sugars produced by the plant are used by the animal. They are either used directly to help the animal grow, or broken down, releasing stored solar energy, and giving the animal the energy required for motion.

Animal Kingdom Links

The New Arguments Against Evolution
Pamphlet 2012
Kidport: The Animal Kingdom Extreme Science: Animal Kingdom Disney: Animal Kingdom Theme Park

Animal Classification

Animal Classification Chart Kid's Corner: Animal Classification Game

Quia: Animal Classification Gameolder students
Animal Diversity Web Make Animal Classification Chart Animal Classification Worksheet Virtual Ed: Animal Classification and Quiz Classification of Animals Wall Chart National Animal Identification System Guide

Animal Activities and Links

Absolutely Brilliant Animal Photos Bird Tubing on Roof
A Flower Plant-Animal Sort Game Logo to Animal Classification Game Animal Classification Game
Link to Families Families of classes Habitat Link Animal Habitats Underwater
Nocturnal Frogs in Costa Rica Slide Show Game Gibbon Taunts Tigers!

Funny Video
Link to Eastern Bluebird Song of the Eastern Bluebird
Predator and Prey Lesson Resources Are you my Dinner?
Class Game
Predator and Prey Card Games Predator and Prey Domino Game
What's On the Menu? Link to Animal Print Outs Animal Print-Outs

Animal Classes


Animals that spend part of their life in water and part on land. Amphibians have interesting life cycles.

a frog Tiger Tree Frog Long Frog toad Green Tree frog Newt Salamder


Animals with wings although not all birds actually fly.
Birds lay eggs and care for their babies.

Eastern Bluebird Woodpecker Baby Chicken a dove a duck an eagle
a flamingo a macaw a peacock an owl a robin a turkey a goose a hawk
Eastern Bluebird Eastern Bluebird Audubon's Birds Link to Owl Powerpoint Magnificant Owls


Warm blooded animals that give birth to live offspring. Mammels care for their young.

Panda Bear Lion Buffalo or Bison Walrus Cow Elephant Whale
Kangaroo human Kitten (Baby Cat) Skunk Bear White Mouse Rhinocerus

Animal Kingdom: Mammal

Class: Primate Order

The Primate Order countains lemurs, monkeys, and apes. The apes include Humans. Humans have spread the Primate Order to all continents of the world, but the non-human primates live primarily in warm regions such as Central and South America, Africa, and South Asia. Primates have been on earth for at least 65 million years.

Line of monkeys and palm trees


Wikipedia: Primates


Cold blooded animals usually with scaley skins. They lay eggs, but do not care for their young.

Lizard Rattlesnake Skink Turtle Crocodile Python Dragon


Animals with backbones that live in water.
They lay eggs but do not care for their young.

Crawling Fish Salmon Old Wife School of Sardines Gourami Rainbow Trout Scorpion Fish

Sea Creatures

Animals that live in the sea and do not have a backbone

Scallop Seahorse whelk Sea Urchin Crab Sea Creature Sea Anemone

Sea Life

The following are underwater pictures taken in Sydney Harbor, Australia. If you can identify any of the creatures pictured here, please send the number and name to . Thanks.

1. 2. Sting Ray 3. 4.
5. 6. 7. 8. Coral Fish
9. Rock Cod 10. Box Jellyfish 11. 12. Sea Horse
UnderwaterPowerpoint 13. Australian Potbellied Seahorse 14. Sea Urchin

Insects and Bugs

Small animals with segmented bodies. Insects may have hard shells, but have no back bone.

Monarch Butterfly

Farm Animals

Farm Animals have been domesticated by man.
Farm Animals are raised for food, clothing, and more.

Farm Animals

Raising animals for food and clothing


Husbandry is the raising of animals to harvest for meat, fur, hides, and more.

Husbandry was common to many civilization in Asia, Africa and Europe who also grew plants for food and clothing. Sheep, goats, pigs, and cattle are most commonly farm-raised. Chickens and similar birds were raised for meat, eggs, and feathers. Europeans, Asians and Africans used reindeer, camels, horses, donkeys and elephants for transportation. Dogs were tamed and trained to keep the animals together.

In the Americas, husbandry did not develop until the arrival of the Europeans. Americans hunted for meats. In the southern mountains llamas and alpacas were used to carry loads up and down the mountains. No other animals were known to be raised by the Americans.

In addition to the traditional land farm animals, fish, frogs, and other aquatic life are raised in ponds and tanks, and harvested.

Web Links for farm animals

Extreme Sheep
visual effects of sheep and lights
Goat goes Sheep Surfing sheep Rooster Farmville Game on Facebook Link to Horses We Love Rachel's Horses

Animal Resources

Bears of Yellowstone Link to Tiger site All For Tigers Gorilla Primates
The Whole Frog Project Revered and Reviled - Herps Link to Baby Reptiles in Australia Baby Reptiles in Australia Link to the Reptilian Brain The Reptilian Brain Snakes of Africa Collaboration
Sealife Magic of Sydney Harbor Welk Shell Whelk Link to Spiders Under the Spell of Spiders! Water Rat
New Guinea

Animal Behavior

Primate Behavior

Wikipedia: Primates
Link to Eastern Bluebird Song of the Eastern Bluebird

The Eastern Blue Bird

Eastern Bluebird
Color a picture of a Bluebird All About Birds: Eastern Bluebird Wikipedia: Eastern Bluebird Matt's Eastern Bluebirds Birding: Eastern Bluebirds Wild Bird Watching: Eastern Bluebirds


Animal Kingdom What's On the Menu?Carnivores, Herbavore, Omnivore Link to Animal Classes page Animal Classes Link to Animal Print Outs site. Animal Print-Outs
Logo to Animal Classification Game Animal Classification Game Link to Predator Tiles Predator and Prey Pictures Link to Bird Tiles Bird Pictures Link to Fish Tiles Fish and Sea Creature Pictures
Link to Insect Tiles Insect Pictures Link to Mammal Tiles Mammal Pictures Reptile, Amphibian and More Pictures Underwater


Anatomy - Psychology - Physiology - Nutrition - Medicine

Anatomy of the Brain Evolution of the Brain
Flash Explanation
Link to Brain Coloring Book Brain Science Coloring Book Neuro-Science for Kids TheTriune Brain
Link to Inner Body Inner Body - Human AnatomyWeb Site Anatomy Arcade
human body.
The Human Spark
Make Me Babies
Photo Progression
Link to Colors of Humans

Colors of Humans
Group Activity
Link to Hominids index Hominids and Early ManLinks Index

Human Food and Nutrition

The Amazing Cucumber HaPPy Beet Noodles
by YooNok Kim
Pemberton Cookbook
Anne and Steve Pemberton
Official Government site
Farmers Market
Seasonal Foods
My Own Books
Link to Colors of Humans Colors of Humans Make Me Babies (Photo Progression)


GoogleEarth EngineSatelite Timelapse Views Link to Rainforest 1 Rainforest 1 Link to Rainforest 2 Rainforest 2 Link to Sydney Harbor The Magic of Sydney Harbor Link to Sea Dwellers Sea Dwellers

Link to Dinner game
Are You My Dinner? Game
Link to Sim Park
Sim Park

Mrs. P's Science Printables

Link to Color Animals Print and Color Pages - Animals and Plants Link to Animal Printouts Enchanted Learning: Animal Printouts Brain Science Coloring Book Link to Measurement index Measurement Tools
Link to Predator and Prey Lesson Resources Predator and Prey Resources Link to Domino Predator and Prey Predator and Prey Domino Game Link to Predator and Prey card games Predator and Prey Card Games
Link to What's on the Menu lesson What's On the Menu? Make Me Babies
Photo Progression
Paper Airplanes Fun Paper Airplanes
Link to Color and Shape Tiles Shape and Color Picture Set Plant and Animal Sort Link to Make your own Snowflakes Make your own Snowflakes Link to Shape and Color Spreadsheet Shape and Color Spreadsheet
Periodic Table of the Elements Elements Physical Chart Elements Electron Chart

Predator and Prey

Link to Lesson Plans Predator and Prey Lesson Plan Link to Resources Predator and Prey Resources Link to Tiles Predator and Prey Picture Tiles Link to Dominos Predator-Prey Dominos Link to Card Games Predator-Prey Card Games Link to Are You My Dinner? Are You My Dinner? Classroom Game

Computer Science

Learn to write code!
Programming Tutorials


Link to Sim Park Game Sim Park GameMake a Park, add plants and animals, and see what happens! Link to Virtual Villagers Virtual Villagers Link to Spore Game
Spore Game
Link to Venture Arctic
Venture Artic
Link to Zoo Tycoon Game

Zoo Tycoon Game
Link to Wildlife Tycoon Wildlife Tycoon: Venture Africa Link to Fish Tycoon Fish Tycoon Link to Plant Tycoon Plant Tycoon

Hominids and Early Man

Lucy Lucy: A very famous hominid found in Ethiopia in 1971. Lucy lived some 3 million years ago. When Lucy was alive, there were no humans on Earth as yet. But there were lots of other Hominids around! NEWS!! Lucy Wasn't Alone! Human Migratory Patterns

Hominids and Early Man

Click on pictures to enlarge

Hominids on a rocky cliff

Humans developed from hominids (pre-human creatures similar to apes).

Hominids have lived on earth for millions of years.
But modern man, Homo Sapiens Sapiens, has only been around for about 150,000 years.

How do we know?

1) Scientists, called archeologists, learn about hominids by studying fossils. Fossils are bones of once living creatures that were turned into rock and buried deep in the earth.

2) In the case of later hominids and early human beings, scientists, called Anthropologists, also study the tools and implements found in the areas near the fossils, to learn more about these ancestors of modern humans

Pictures of the jaw and teeth of a gorilla, an Australopine, and a modern human

An interesting way to explore the message in the fossils is by comparing the jaw of a modern gorilla, a pre-human hominid jaw, and a modern jaw.

Notice that gorilla teeth are much larger than human teeth. By studying fossils, we learn that hominids had a jaw similar in modern man, but very different from the jaw of a modern gorilla.

The ancestors of the gorilla continued to eat a forest diet. The hominids began to develop smaller teeth as they began to walk on two feet. As the hominids began to use tools, they began to eat meat.

Almost complete skeleton of a homo erectus found in Turkey

Studying the fossils tells us that the first difference between apes and humanids was that that humanids could walk upright on two feet. From parents to children, as the humanids became better walkers, their jaws changed and their teeth got smaller.

Fossils of hominids back more than four million years show that homanids walked and ran on two feet.

Standing on two feet also allows a body to lose excess heat from the sun faster.


The oldest known hominid species is Ardipithecus.
Ardipithicus Ardi and his family lived more than 4 million years ago.
Ardi could swing through the trees, but he could also walk upright.
Ardi may have been a loving and faithful husband.

NEWS!! Lucy Wasn't Alone!


Notice that the nose opening in the skull of Tuang Baby is round rather than trangular like yours.

Australopithecus lived 3,500,000 years ago. They died out about 2,500,000 years ago.
Fossils of Australopithecus have been found only on the African continent.
Australopithecus is a primate from which some scientists believe Homo, the human being, developed.
Australopithecus were bipedal which means that they walked on two legs.
Australopithecus ate some meat in a mostly vegetarian diet.
Austalopithicus lived and hunted for food in small tribal groups.
Australopithicus probably slept in nests high in treetops overnight.
Australopithecus had a small brain, averaging a volume of 350 cc's
The teeth of Australopithicus were smaller than the teeth of apes but larger than the teeth of modern man.

How Do We Know When A Fossil Is Australopithus?

These drawings show the differences in jaws and lower teeth of a modern gorilla, an Australopithicus, and a modern man.

Jaws and teeth of the gorilla, Australopithecus, and modern man The drawings are the jaw and lower teeth of a modern gorilla.
The modern gorilla has a deep jaw and large teeth with long incisers.
Next, are the jaw and lower teeth of an Australopithecus.
Australopithicus has smaller teeth and the lower jaw is more shallow than the gorilla jaw. The last frawings show the jaw and teeth of a modern man.
The jaw of modern man is more shallow, he has a chin, and has the smallest teeth.

Australopithecus Africanis

Upper part of skull of PLES This fossil of Australopithicus Africanis is named Ples.
Ples is only a skull cap and upper face.
Ples has a strong brow ridge
Ples has the outward thrust of the upper jaw typical of Australopithecus.
Skull of Tuang Baby This fossil of Australopithecus Africanis is an young child named Tuang Baby
Tuang Baby has larger teeth than you do.
Tuang Baby would have learned to walk on his two hind legs.
Tuang Baby would have grown up to eat leaves, nuts, and seeds.
Tuang Baby would have grown up to be small and slender.
Tuang Baby lived in a tribe of family and friends.

The Homo Species Emerges

Homo Ergaster

Homo Habilis

Homo Habilis lived on earth from 2.5 to 1.5 million years ago.

Homo Erectus

Homo Erectus lived on earth from almost 2 million years until 500,000 years ago. There were still Homo Habilis around when Homo Erectus began to appear. Homo Erectus had a much larger brain than Homo Habilis, and smaller teeth.

Homo Sapiens Archaic

Homo Sapiens Archaic lived from 500,000 to 200,000 years ago.
He had a larger brain than Homo Erectus.

Homo Sapiens Neanderthalis
Neanderthal Man

Homo Sapiens Neanderthalonsis seems to have developed from the Homo Erectus in Europe and the Middle East.
Neanderthal Man was much larger and stronger than Homo Sapiens Archaic.
Neanderthal Man had a larger brain, a large nose, and a receding forehead.

Homo Sapiens Cro-Magnon

Homo Sapiens Cro-Magnon emerged about 120,000 years ago.
Cro-Magnon Man spread out around the world.
He was tribal, clever, and made interesting uses of his environment.
He developed increasingly complex civilizations.

Kennewick Man

Kennewick Man Found on the bank of the Columbia River near Kennewick, Washington.
He lived between 5,000 and 9,500 years ago.
Smithsonian: Homo Neanderthal Crystal Links
What did Neanderthals look like
Answers in Genesis
Changing Picture of Neanderthal Man
Homo Sapiens
Cro-Magnon Man and Elephants InfoPlease:
Cro-Magnon Humans
CSI Stone Age: Did Humans kill Neaderthals? Did Humans kill Neanderthals? Cro-Magnon and Neaderthal Man
Did they Interbreed?
Timeline of Human Innovations Human Migratory Patterns
Mastery Maze Podcast:
Early Man
Archeology Tools for Kids s-kids.html Dr Toy: Toy History Timeline Prehistoric Toys Time Line Dr Katherine Bolman:
Toys from the Indus Valley
African Creation Stories Recent Developments in Anthropaleology: Institute For The Science of Origins;Case Western Reserve Universiy Potassium-Argon Dating of Mineral Deposits around Fossils
Timeline for Evolution on Earth
Human Evolution:
Fossil Hominids: The Evidence for Human Evolution
Answers in Genesis
God and Evolution
Hominid Evolution Hominid Species Fossil Species: Hominid Species: A Catalog of Hominid Species: Hominid Timeline: Prominant Hominid Fossils: What did early hominids eat? What did early African hominids eat Diet of early hominids: Hominid Behavior
The scientific controversy of Indonesian Hobbits: Island of the Lost Hominids: History of Homo Sapiens:
dateCharles Darwin On The Origin of Species First book on evolution.
dateHenry Huxley Evidence of Man's Place in Nature Introduction to the evolution of man.
1871Charles Darwin The Descent of Man Looking for man's ancestors among chimpanzies and gorillas in Africa.

Timeline for Hominids and Early Man

Miocene Era

22 million years ago until 5.5 million years ago

20 million years ago Apes - hundreds of species ManyAllMany U shaped jaw
large, parallel teeth
sharpened incisors
thin tooth enamel
large canines
quadroped; arborial
primarily vegetarian
7-8 million years ago Ramapithecus punjabicus apes Siwalik Hills, Northern India 1930's by G. Edward Lewis Thick tooth enamel, small canine
7-8 million years ago Sivapithecus Apes - Ancester to Orangutans Northern Pakistan 1940-60 - various Thick tooth enamel, typical ape traits

Plesticine 5.5 million years ago until now


Page created November 19, 2003. Anne Pemberton. Updated Wed, Aug 22, 2012. AP.